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Low Testosterone

What you need to know about male infertility and testosterone

The connection between male infertility and testosterone plays a significant role in the path to parenthood for many intended parents at our Tennessee fertility clinic. Low testosterone levels, also called low T, can diminish sperm production, while elevated levels can stop it. If a testosterone imbalance is affecting a man’s fertility, our specialists can help him find an effective solution to build his family.

The causes of low testosterone levels

There are numerous reasons a man could have diminished testosterone.

  • Advanced age
  • Underactive pituitary gland
  • Obesity
  • Testicular injury
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Narcotic or marijuana abuse
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer treatments like chemotherapy

Testosterone levels can sometimes improve with lifestyle changes, including weight loss, smoking cessation, and healthy diet and exercise. Our fertility doctors can provide additional guidance on how to best manage male infertility and testosterone.

The symptoms of low T

When a man has low testosterone levels, also called hypogonadism, there are various symptoms he might experience.

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low libido
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Depression

Men who suspect they have low testosterone can receive a blood test at our Tennessee fertility clinic to determine what their level is.

Treatment for male infertility and testosterone imbalance

If a blood test reveals that low testosterone is contributing to a man’s fertility challenges, we help him find the most effective treatment plan.

  • Freezing sperm. If a man wants to start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), we might recommend he first freeze his sperm. TRT can increase testosterone so much that the testicles stop producing sperm. In addition, it can decrease levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is essential for sperm production.
  • Clomid. The medication can help with male infertility and testosterone levels. Clomid can cause an increase in both sperm and testosterone production. We monitor a man’s testosterone levels while on Clomid to ensure they don’t become too elevated.
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections. Much like Clomid, gonadotropin injections can increase the production of sperm and testosterone. This can be a beneficial treatment if a pituitary disorder is causing the low testosterone.

The experts at our Tennessee fertility clinic work closely with men to discover the cause of their fertility issues and find the treatment plan that provides the best chance of taking home a healthy baby. Contact us for more information about male infertility.