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Luteal Phase Defect

Luteal Phase Defect can be Diagnosed with Hormone Level Testing

The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is from ovulation to menses, approximately the second half of the cycle.  During this time the corpus luteum cyst on the ovary produces progesterone that stimulates and maintains the uterine lining, allowing for embryo implantation.

If progesterone production is not adequate because of poor follicle development or poor corpus luteum function, the progesterone level drops and menses occurs, which would cause an early pregnancy to be lost.  Testing to diagnose LDP may include hormone levels, tracking luteal phase length, sometimes progesterone levels (although the pulsatile release of progesterone makes this a less accurate tool) and/or endometrial biopsy.  Treatment of this condition is based on the underlying cause and can be very effective