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Affordable IVF

Striving to Provide Affordable IVF and Streamlined, Effective Infertility Treatment

For women and couples seeking infertility treatment and affordable IVF, time is of the essence. Few patients have time or money to waste on a trial-and-error approach to getting pregnant. At our Tennessee fertility center, we make infertility care effective and affordable by delivering exactly the right care at the right time.

Our goal is to create the most efficient path to pregnancy and birth, for every patient, whether through in vitro fertilization or other advanced infertility treatments. We achieve this goal by combining our expertise with cutting-edge technologies, the latest research, and a respected laboratory to deliver targeted treatment that makes the most effective use of your time and money.

This carefully calibrated approach is why our Tennessee fertility center is one of America’s highest-regarded assisted reproductive technology (ART) programs, achieving top-notch pregnancy rates through IVF, year after year.

Targeted, Affordable IVF and Infertility Care

Too often, patients struggling with infertility are disappointed after promises of money-back guarantees, leading to a series of costly, time-consuming, hit-or-miss treatments. Our effective, results-driven approach is different.

Our first, critically important step is accurate diagnosis. We combine our experienced fertility specialists’ extensive expertise with cutting-edge technologies and testing to pinpoint the cause of your inability to get pregnant.

Then, armed with a deep understanding of the exact causes of your infertility, we create a care plan that deploys advanced processes and technologies to overcome the specific cause of your infertility and increase your chances of success.

Our Tennessee fertility center is recognized as a national leader in affordable IVF and infertility treatment because:

  • We have no “standard” or “cookie cutter” approach for any diagnosis. Each patient’s treatment plan is carefully fine-tuned to achieve optimal outcomes.
  • We work closely with the andrology, endocrinology, and in vitro fertilization laboratories of Ovation Fertility to perfect the use of advanced methodologies and maximize treatment success.
  • We use every tool at our disposal to discover the root causes of your infertility, including preimplantation genetic screening, so you won’t waste time and money on ineffective treatments.
  • Our extended care team of embryologists, geneticists and support staff includes experts in their respective fields, keeping pace with the latest research to provide cutting-edge treatment and patient care.

We focus all available resources on only those advanced procedures that are most likely to give you results, as quickly as possible. By providing the right treatment the first time – including effective, affordable IVF when appropriate – we save you time, money and heartbreak.

We value your trust in us

Because your trust is a responsibility we take very seriously, we strive to be careful stewards of your resources. Our goal is to deliver the most effective treatment and achieve the best possible outcome for you, as quickly and cost-effectively as we can.

Contact us to learn more about our approach to affordable IVF and infertility treatment, and to schedule an appointment at our Tennessee fertility center.

  • Easy & secure online application
  • Personal attention & concierge service
  • Highly competitive interest rates
  • Quick & easy approvals
  • No membership fees, no annual fees, and no prepayment penalties
  • Highest levels of confidentiality