Nashville Fertility

Uterine Abnormalities

Exploring the link between uterine abnormalities and female infertility

When you are trying to conceive without success, you can feel discouraged and frustrated. At Nashville Fertility Center, we have more than 33 years of experience diagnosing the causes of female infertility and developing effective treatment plans. Our Nashville fertility physicians want to ensure that our patients understand the different roadblocks to conception, including uterine abnormalities.

Identifying common causes of female infertility

To pinpoint any potential hindrances to pregnancy, our Nashville fertility physicians will recommend a complete set of fertility tests. For our female patients, this evaluation includes a full medical history, blood work, ultrasound, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and a physical exam. The results will allow your fertility specialist to zero in on any female fertility issues. We also recommend a semen analysis for male partners.

An overview of uterine abnormalities

Female infertility represents about a third of infertility cases, while male infertility is the culprit for another third, and unexplained infertility accounts for the remainder. With female infertility, our Nashville fertility doctors usually discover that most problems are related to maternal age, hormonal imbalances, medical conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and genetic factors. Another common issue is uterine abnormalities.

During a physical exam and ultrasound, your physician can visualize any physical defects that could hinder chances for a healthy pregnancy. Often, we see the following uterine abnormalities.

  • Uterine polyps and fibroids. Generally benign, polyps are masses of tissue that develop in the uterus, while fibroids are tumors in the uterine wall. Although they are not usually cancerous, polyps and fibroids can disrupt the ability of the embryo to properly implant in the uterus.
  • Intrauterine adhesions. Sometimes, individuals who have had D&C procedures or very severe infections can form uterine adhesions that make the uterus inhospitable for embryo implantation.
  • Mullerian anomalies. In rare cases, women are born with certain abnormalities. Female fetuses begin with two smaller uteri that fuse together as the fetus develops. When that doesn’t happen correctly, a uterine septum forms and creates scar tissue, which can increase the odds of miscarriage.

Treatment options to address uterine abnormalities

Once fertility testing confirms a diagnosis of uterine abnormalities, your doctor will create a personalized plan to address the issues preventing conception. Minimally invasive infertility surgery may offer the best odds of uterine restoration. Advanced techniques enable our fertility specialists to remove polyps or fibroids, repair adhesions and remove scar tissue, so that patients can achieve successful pregnancies.

Don’t let female infertility crush your dreams of motherhood. The entire team at Nashville Fertility Center is ready to offer compassionate care and comprehensive medical treatment. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with our Nashville fertility physicians.

(615) 321-4740