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Medical Records Requests

Obtaining Your Medical Records from Previous Treating Physicians

It is very helpful for our physicians to have copies of your past medical records before your first appointment.  We prefer that you obtain or complete the Medical Records Release Form  prior to your visit so we have ample time to review your records.  This information will allow us to review diagnostic testing performed in the past and reduce the chance of duplicating testing that has already been performed.

Requesting Your Medical Records from NFC

If you would like to request your medical records from Nashville Fertility Center, you must complete the medical records release form and we will process your request.  The State of Tennessee provides laws governing the release and payment associated with copying medical records.  The law states that the party requesting a patient’s records is responsible to the provider for the reasonable costs of copying and mailing the patient’s records.  The cost shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for medical records five (5) pages or less in length and fifty cent (50 cent(s)) per page for each page copied after the first five (5) pages and the actual cost of mailing.  Upon receipt of payment for this service, the records will be released.

Released Ob Patients 

All of our successful patients returning to their OB for prenatal care will receive a copy of records relevant to the pregnancy.  We can fax your records to your OB, just let us know when your appointment is scheduled and who your doctor is, we are happy to send on information to make your pregnancy care as seamless as possible.