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Antisperm Antibody Testing

Learn how antisperm antibody testing can help patients receive the right diagnosis

Antisperm antibody testing, also called ASAB testing, is one of the many ways doctors at our Tennessee fertility center help patients discover why they’re having fertility challenges. This testing is important because the presence of antisperm antibodies can result in sperm being unable to fertilize an egg.

If infertility testing reveals these antibodies, fertility specialists can often help patients overcome this issue by adding certain solutions at the time of semen sample collection.

The two methods of testing for antisperm antibodies include direct ASAB testing and indirect ASAB testing.

What to expect from direct ASAB testing and indirect ASAB testing

A direct ASAB test involves evaluating a man’s sperm for the presence of antisperm antibodies. Doctors recommend that men avoid ejaculation for two to five days before the test to help ensure accurate results.

Men can choose to provide the semen sample we use for the test at our clinic or at home. When providing the sample at our clinic, the man will have access to a private space. We supply a sterile container for collecting the sample.

If the man prefers to collect the sample at home, he will need to pick up a sterile container from our Tennessee fertility center. He then must bring the sample to our lab within one hour of collection. He will also need to fill out a short form for the lab.

Indirect ASAB testing involves the male or female patient, or both, having their blood drawn. Next, a lab specialist separates the serum from the blood and incubates it with donor sperm. If antisperm antibodies are present in the serum, they attach to the donor sperm and cause a positive test result.

Who needs antisperm antibody testing?

Antisperm antibody testing can be a valuable step on a patient’s journey to parenthood, as it can provide valuable information about their fertility. There are a variety of reasons a doctor might recommend this form of male infertility testing.

Sperm agglutination. If a sperm test reveals sperm agglutination, which means the sperm are sticking together, the doctor might recommend testing the sperm for antisperm antibodies.

Unexplained infertility. Doctors often recommend testing for antisperm antibodies if a patient is experiencing unexplained infertility.

IVF patients. All patients receive antisperm antibody testing before beginning IVF, or in vitro fertilization.

The team at our Tennessee fertility center helps patients determine whether this type of testing is right for their needs. Contact us for more information about male infertility testing.