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Having a Baby with IVF After Tubal Ligation

The journey to have a baby with IVF after tubal ligation

The journey to have a baby with IVF after tubal ligationOne family’s journey at our Tennessee fertility center involved IVF after tubal ligation. After Jenn gave birth to her first child, she had a tubal ligation, thinking she was done having children. But years later, she met Blake. They decided they wanted to have a child together, but wondered how to move forward. “We struggled with the financial circumstances and life changes this path would bring, but ultimately decided to meet with the specialists at Nashville Fertility Center to learn more about our options,” Jenn says.

They met with Dr. Abby Eblen at our Tennessee fertility center. She helped them discover that they were some of the lucky ones. Beyond the tubal ligation, they had no fertility issues. However, they did have to choose between a tubal reversal and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Jenn says, “After we had our questions answered, we carefully considered our options. While a tubal reversal is more affordable, IVF has a higher rate of success. We opted for IVF.”

Moving forward with IVF after tubal ligation

The journey to have a baby with IVF after tubal ligationAlthough money was a concern, Jenn and Blake acquired a loan and moved forward with their dream of building their family through IVF after tubal ligation. Jenn began fertility medications and was soon ready for the egg retrieval. The cycle was successful with 15 mature eggs retrieved, 14 successfully fertilized and nine blastocysts formed. After preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), Jenn and Blake discovered they had six healthy embryos.

“Blake wanted a girl, and I wanted a boy,” Jenn remembers, “So it was hard for us to select the embryo that would be transferred. When we couldn’t decide, we asked the embryologist to select the embryo.” On the day of the transfer at our Tennessee fertility center, they found out a male embryo had been chosen. They were thrilled. Four days later, Jenn took a positive pregnancy test. On August 20, Baby Silas was born.

Praise for our staff

The journey to have a baby with IVF after tubal ligation“We would recommend Dr. Eblen a thousand times over,” Jenn says. “She was so kind and informative. She was almost as excited as we were! People can get jaded in the medical profession, but she wasn’t like that. It felt like she really cared about everything we were going through.” As both Jenn and Blake are nurses, they also appreciated the science-based information that Dr. Eblen provided.

Regarding the staff at our Tennessee fertility center, Jenn and Blake found them to be very kind and knowledgeable. Jenn says, “They have it all down to a science, which makes it so much easier for parents moving through something as challenging as IVF after tubal ligation. They were happy to deal with our constant stream of questions and sent relevant information to us. We highly recommend Nashville Fertility Center and Dr Eblen!”

Create a solid network of support

The journey to have a baby with IVF after tubal ligationWhen asked about any tips she has for hopeful parents facing a similar situation, Jenn says she wants women who had a tubal ligation to realize they have options. “If you’re ever in my situation, know that there are many avenues to parenthood after a tubal ligation. Don’t think that your journey of having children is over,” Jenn says.

She also feels that one of the most important parts of this experience is having a good support network, saying, “It’s important to feel like you have people to talk with about your fears, and to help you remember that you’re not alone.”

Contact us for more information about IVF after tubal ligation.