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Healthy Pregnancy after Testicular Cancer

Learn how Morgan and Clay achieved pregnancy after testicular cancer

Learn how Morgan and Clay achieved pregnancy after testicular cancerWhen Morgan’s husband Clay was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer in his early-20s, they never thought they’d one day need the services of our Nashville fertility clinic. Their only goal was getting Clay healthy, until a doctor recommended Clay freeze sperm, in case the cancer treatments left him sterile. Although it wasn’t their focus, the couple decided to follow the doctor’s suggestion, and froze sperm with our Nashville fertility clinic in January 2010.

After chemotherapy and other treatments did not prove effective, Clay received six months of stem cell replacement in New York City. According to Morgan, “Clay’s care provider told us that there was a 99% chance that this treatment would leave him sterile.” This meant achieving pregnancy after testicular cancer would be a challenge.

Beginning the path to pregnancy after testicular cancer

Learn how Morgan and Clay achieved pregnancy after testicular cancer

Years after completing cancer treatments, Morgan and Clay were ready to start a family. “Although we knew there was an incredibly small chance we’d be able to conceive without help, we tried for six months on our own,” remembered Morgan. When their efforts didn’t result in pregnancy, they turned to our Nashville fertility clinic for support.

The first step was assessing Clay’s fertility health, which revealed sterility. Thankful that he had stored sperm, the couple decided to try for pregnancy with intrauterine insemination (IUI) in August 2017. When the IUI did not result in pregnancy, they turned to in vitro fertilization (IVF) in October 2017.

Their IVF cycle only resulted in one healthy embryo. The embryo was transferred in January 2018 and they soon received the joyous news that Morgan was pregnant. As Morgan said, “It was our only shot and it worked.” Morgan and Clay welcomed their healthy son Colt into the world in September 2018. The couple was elated to achieve pregnancy after testicular cancer.

Finding a family at Nashville Fertility Center

Learn how Morgan and Clay achieved pregnancy after testicular cancer

“Our time at Nashville Fertility Center was fantastic. Even though we were going through something incredibly difficult the staff made us feel so supported,” Morgan said.

The couple recalled their fertility specialist Abby Eblen MD being a huge support, in addition to their nurse Laurie, who Morgan remembers being very communicative, helpful and kind. “We feel so close to and appreciative of the staff at NFC that we think of them as family. We stay in touch and have been sending them photos of Colt,” Morgan said. They are deeply grateful that our clinic supported them in fulfilling their dream of achieving pregnancy after testicular cancer.

Contact our Nashville fertility clinic to learn more about our comprehensive fertility services and how we make parenthood possible for our patients.