Five tips for talking to family and friends about infertility
Trying to have a baby and facing roadblocks along the way often leads to disappointment, frustration and sadness. In our Nashville fertility clinic, we understand that our patients and their partners may struggle with talking to family and friends about infertility. Our doctors want to ensure that you receive the infertility support that you need and deserve.
The hidden pain of infertility
Many couples and individuals believe they will simply decide to have a baby, have fun getting pregnant, and then start picking out baby names. When those plans go awry because of infertility, it can feel devastating. Adding insult to injury are friends’ well-meaning questions and happy announcements of new babies on the way, while you quietly try to cope with yet another negative pregnancy test.
How to handle talking to family and friends about infertility
Every individual’s and couple’s journey through infertility is different. Only you can decide what you want to share. Consider the following points related to talking to family and friends about infertility, so that you can receive the infertility support that you need.
- Decide your limits for sharing in advance. You don’t owe anyone an explanation about what’s going on your personal life. Feel free to share minimal details about your infertility experiences if you feel you need to.
- Get on the same page as your partner. Protecting your privacy matters, so you and your partner should agree on how much you want to share. Have this conversation with your partner before you start talking to family and friends about infertility.
- Pick people who will offer the most infertility support. Only confide in individuals who can show up for you in the ways that you need, whether that includes parents, co-workers or your BFF since childhood.
- Set clear boundaries for these conversations. Well-meaning friends and relatives may think it helps to offer suggestions and alternatives. You have every right to shut down comments about adoption, “miracle” babies or the latest natural supplement.
- Offer resources for those close to you. Organizations such as RESOLVE have materials that will guide friends and family, so that they can offer comfort in an appropriate way.
Traveling the path of infertility can leave you feeling isolated, and many people find that keeping it a secret makes it even harder. Our team is always here to offer the compassionate care you deserve. If you need guidance on talking to family and friends about infertility, contact our office for more information and resources.