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Clomid for Ovulation Induction

Learn how Clomid for ovulation induction helps patients conceive

Taking Clomid (clomiphene citrate) can be an important step on the journey to parenthood at our Tennessee fertility clinic. This medication is the most common oral fertility medication used for ovulation induction. When used under doctor supervision, it can help a woman ovulate and fulfill the dream of holding her newborn baby in her arms.

To conceive, a woman must ovulate. In a typical menstrual cycle, ovulation is preceded by a chain of events involving several hormones. When a woman needs medical assistance to ovulate, she takes this medication to influence hormones, including GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone) and estradiol. This increases the odds she will conceive with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Understanding ovulation induction with this medication

When a woman cannot ovulate, or produce fully mature eggs, ovulation induction with Clomid can increase her chances of conceiving. Before beginning this treatment, it’s important to understand the basic facts about it.

  • How it works. This medication induces ovulation in over 50% of women who take it, because it makes the body believe it has less estrogen than it does. It achieves this by blocking estrogen receptors, resulting in increased FSH production, enhanced follicle stimulation and ovulation.
  • Dosage. The woman takes this pill once a day for five days, usually starting on day three of her menstrual cycle. Ovulation normally occurs five to nine days after the last dose.
  • Monitoring. Our team will perform an ultrasound before starting the medication, and again five to seven days after the last dose to evaluate the woman’s response.
  • Chance of multiples. It’s important for patients to know that this medication gives a woman a 10% chance of having twins. However, triplets or higher order multiples occur less than 1% of the time.
  • Success rates. One study found that 73% of women taking Clomid ovulated and 29% gave birth. However, the success of this medication is largely determined by the woman’s age, the quality of her eggs and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Our Tennessee fertility clinic works with each patient to create an individualized treatment plan that gives them the best chance of taking home a healthy baby.

Possible side effects of Clomid

While often mild, this medication can cause some side effects, including hot flashes, breast tenderness, mood swings and nausea. Thankfully, these side effects subside after the woman stops taking the medication.

Ovulation induction with this medication is an exciting option for patients ready to start their family. Our Tennessee fertility clinic is here to help you move forward with this life-changing next step. Contact us for more information about our fertility services.